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Jack and the Beanstalk



Jack: Jack Green

Jill: Caitlin Rooke

Mother/Mrs. Giant: Alanah Parkin

Giant/Beanstalk: Blake Everett

Keyboard/Dazza: Matt Wallace


Photos by Craig Adams. Click to enlarge.

Jack & The Beanstalk
Jack, Jack's Mother & The Beanstalk
Blake Everett as The Giant
Jack's Mother, Jack & Milky Joe
Jack Green as Jack
The Giant & Malcolm the Hen
Caitlin Rooke as Jill
Jack's Mother, Jack & Milky Joe
Blake Everett as The Beanstalk
The Giant, Jack & Jill
Alanah Parkin as Jack's Mother
Jack & Jill run from The Giant
Alanah Parkin as Jack's Mother
Jack's Mother, Jill and Jack
The cast of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'
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